Video Library

Demonstrating Real-World Efficacy with MIGS, iTrack™

MIGS expert Dr. Inder Paul Singh touches base with iTrack™ pioneer Dr. Khaimi to discuss the efficacy outcomes from a large multi-physician retrospective study, presented at the recent Virtual ASCRS. The study tracked the efficacy outcomes of iTrack™ in 869 POAG patients over a 36-month period.

It’s a bit of a unique study…. and it really speaks to the reproducibility of iTrack™ canal-based surgery. We included everything. Usually you hide what the residents have done or the fellows have done, but here we show some really good data that included residents as well as fellows, plus a couple of attendings.” Mahmoud A. Khaimi, MD, Dean McGee Eye Institute, University of Oklahoma

Is the Angle the New Conjunctiva?

MIGS experts Dr. Inder Paul Singh and Dr. Mark J. Gallardo discuss the importance of preserving the angle with MIGS procedures, in order to preserve future treatment options, with fellow iTrack™ physician.

I view the angle as the new conjunctiva, because I want to manipulate it today – but I also want to preserve tissue. We all know that, in glaucoma, there’s not a single procedure that lasts forever. I want to be able to come back and treat the patient with SLT over 360 degrees. I want to be able to implant micro stents in the future, or even try to rejuvenate the system again with another iTrack™ procedure.” Mark J. Gallardo, MD

iTrack™ Ab Externo Canaloplasty Combined with Cataract Surgery

iTrack™ ab externo canaloplasty performed in combination with cataract surgery. 

© iTrack 2020. E&OE. Video courtesy of Prof. Brusini.

iTrack™ Mild POAG Combined with FLACS Trifocal IOL

iTrack™ canal-based glaucoma surgery performed in case of mild POAG in conjunction with FLACS Trifocal IOL.

© iTrack 2020. E&OE. Video courtesy of David Lubeck, MD.

iTrack™ Moderate POAG Combined with Cataract Surgery (Monofocal IOL)

iTrack™ canal-based glaucoma surgery performed in moderate POAG in combination with Cataract Surgery (Monofocal IOL)

© iTrack 2020. E&OE. Video courtesy of David Lubeck, MD.

iTrack™ Severe POAG Combined with Cataract Surgery

iTrack™ canal-based glaucoma surgery performed in case of severe POAG in conjunction with cataract surgery.

© iTrack 2020. E&OE. Video courtesy of Prof. Brusini.

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